Kolaboration Ventures Acquires California-Based Cultivation and Breeding Facility to Further Differentiate the KVC Platform
Kolaboration Ventures (KVC) bolstered their genetics line-up, breeding, and seed stock generation to increase customer yields and selection. Having recently acquired Massive Creations, KVC announced they would call that facility home and rename it Massive Farms. The combination of cultivation and biomass production, with breed and seed stock production, will increase their flower canopies.
Genetics is a key differentiating factor on the retail shelf in California and other smaller markets like Ohio, Arizona, and Nevada. Cultivating from seed will dramatically impact yield increases, which will further lower COGs.
This addition to the KVC brand will permeate itself throughout its product lines beyond packaged flowers for connoisseurs searching for unique terpene and cannabinoid combinations. Also, this further solidifies KVC’s foundation as they differentiate themselves from their peers.
Original Source: www.newswire.com